Extended Grease Channel for...
Side Draining Grease Channel – this is designed to handle high volume of grease from cooked food. The Grease Channel drains into a collection vessel such as a small steam table pan.
Side Draining Grease Channel – this is designed to handle high volume of grease from cooked food. The Grease Channel drains into a collection vessel such as a small steam table pan.
Non-stick Grill Sheet (PTFE) used with Retainer Clips keep the plates clean, prevents food sticking and is removable, cleanable and replaceable
Aluminium Grill Pattern Plates – Designed to sit between the Grill Station smooth plates and Grill Sheet with Clip, the Aluminium Grill Pattern Plates produce a crosshatched char grill style pattern on the food being produced.
Aluminium Grill Pattern Plates – Designed to sit between the Grill Station smooth plates and Grill Sheet with Clip, the Aluminium Grill Pattern Plates produce a crosshatched char grill style pattern on the food being produced.
Side Draining Grease Channel – this is designed to handle high volume of grease from cooked food. The Grease Channel drains into a collection vessel such as a small steam table pan.
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