Intorno Coffee / Tea Cup...
“Slate“... the new black mix-and-match with any Bevande colours.
“Slate“... the new black mix-and-match with any Bevande colours.
“Slate“... the new black mix-and-match with any Bevande colours.
“Slate“... the new black mix-and-match with any Bevande colours.
“Slate“... the new black mix-and-match with any Bevande colours.
“Slate“... the new black mix-and-match with any Bevande colours.
Servire can be used as a tray for a personal serve, a contemporary bill presenting cutlery or to simply plate up food. They add a colourful and modern touch to your café or restaurant.
“Slate“... the new black mix-and-match with any Bevande colours.
“Slate“... the new black mix-and-match with any Bevande colours.
Servire can be used as a tray for a personal serve, a contemporary bill presenting cutlery or to simply plate up food. They add a colourful and modern touch to your café or restaurant.
“Slate“... the new black mix-and-match with any Bevande colours.
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