Bracton Glass Wash...
Glasses when washed between drinks must use a glasswash detergent to remove deposits left on the surface from use to maintain hygiene and beverage quality.
Brewery approved BractonSafe Glasswash eliminates the need for drying agents such as rinse aids. BractonSafe Glasswash is the preferred detergent as it has the ability to hygienically clean, lifting stains from the glass and also be the ONLY brewery approved non-hazardous glass washing detergent available. BractonSafe Glass Wash delivers cleaner glasses and polycarbonate eliminating many of the common WH&S issues for bar staff, by using a non-corrosive product.
Using BractonSafe Glasswash detergent in your glasswasher helps beer hold its head for longer in the glass. No wonder it is Australia’s favourite everyday glasswash detergent.
NOTE: To ensure perfect beverage presentation, beverage glasses should be washed with hot water with a glass wash detergent specifically designed for beverage glasses and rinsed at 82C for a minimum of 10 seconds.
Fortunately many glass washing machines will automatically ensure the temperature is correct, so all you have to do is ensure a quality beverage glasswashing detergent is used. BractonSafe Glass Wash detergent is suitable for use with all makes and models of commercial glass washing machines and will assist in delivering beverages with perfect presentation.